About Us
LENUSA are your support teams. We provide projects consulting, training & software solution to help your Mining Company achieving the goals
LENUSA provide full scope of mining geotechnical & hydrogeological consulting service. From exploration stage, production to mine closure
Need help improving your team's skills in mining geotechnical & hydrogeology? We are here to help!
LENUSA provide a robust software solution from SEEQUENT. From exploration to production, we are ready to assist your needs!
Next Events
Teknik Penyusunan Laporan Sumber Daya Batubara
Geoteknik Tambang Terbuka Untuk Pemula
Geological Modeling and Geostatistics for Nickel Laterite Resource Model
Optimisasi Pit Batubara: Incremental SR & BESR
Evaluasi Risiko Hidrologi dalam Kegiatan Operasi Penambangan
Perencanaan dan Desain Blasting untuk Kinerja Optimal
Tahapan Eksplorasi Emas: Dari Reconnaissance hingga Detail Exploration
Analisis Balik Pada Longsoran Lereng Tambang
Geoteknik Timbunan Tambang
Proses Desain Lereng Tambang Terbuka
Training Catalog
Discover Your Traing Needs
From the whole journey, we were finally able to formulate the training materials that are most in demand and needed by each mining company. Through this catalog we offer your company an experience in adding knowledge for your team to be applied in work at their respective mine sites.
Geotechnical Risk Analysis Using Leapfrog Works/Geo
This training is a completed package for geotechnical implementation on open pit mining using Geostudio & Leapfrog Geo.Participant will learn on how to identify geotechnical
Fundamentals of Leapfrog Geo
Leapfrog Geo, advanced software that will be used in making subsurface geological models.This software also has various features needed in geotechnical analysis and reserve calculations.Participants
Geostudio Implementation in Earth Dam
Earth dam it’s a challenging project and require a robust program to effectively analyze and determine the safety factor of the design.This training is designed
Geostudio Implementation in Open Pit Mining
Get the big picture from all your data sources and run combined analyses – eliminating manual processing – to reveal new insights and uncover risks.Since
Our Experience Is Yours To Learn
Terminologi Dari Anatomi Lereng Tambang
Lereng tambang terbuka secara kasat mata tidak berbeda dengan lereng – lereng lain yang sering dilihat di tempat lain, namun
Back Analysis Kelongsoran Lereng Tambang, Untuk Apa?
Pernah dengar Back Analysis? Sebuah metode analisa yang memiliki artian dalam bahasa Indonesia sebagai Analisa Balik. Kegiatan back analysis ini biasanya sering terdengar
Geologi Teknik Dalam Analisa Rapid Drawdown
Senja di Bali, menyelimuti suasana Silahturahmi antara Saya dengan seorang teman, yang sedang melaksanakan kewajiban cutinya sambil liburan mendinginkan otak
Cerita Dibalik Limit Equilibrium
Good day everyone Ini artikel pertama yang coba saya tulis untuk keperluan sharing sedikit ilmu yang saya paham. Dalam artikel ini saya
Any questions?
LENUSA is always ready to guide you to success in every project you are working on.