The fastest way to generate 3D analysis-ready geometry for complex geotechnical projects.

Save time with feature-based design

Take advantage of the many time-saving geometry creation tools. Access powerful Boolean operations, generate meshes in one click, and easily integrate analyses from other applications. Make modifications in any point of a model’s design history and watch the changes cascade through the entire model.

No project too big or complex

Import a broad range of data and files (such as CAD) to design and plan dams, levees, roads, bridges, embankments, open-pit mines, underground tunnelling excavations, and more. Seamlessly construct a 3D geotechnical geometry with complex topography or geology, such sweeping tunnels or winding rivers.

Enrich with GeoStudio data

Create a full design picture showing risk, complexity, and opportunities for engineering safely and effectively. Integrate with any 3D GeoStudio analysis product or generate 2D cross-sections for use in 2D GeoStudio analyses.