Powerful and dynamic stress modelling software

Design safe earth structures to withstand unpredictable dynamic forces, Observe the risks and effects of dynamic stresses to mitigate risk and ensure safety. Cover every possibility using integrated data to simulate possible conditions and effects

Discover known and unknown risks

Earth structures are subject to both natural and artificial forces, such as seismic activity and blasts. Determining the risks and their impact ahead of time enables smarter design, safer construction, and a longer asset life.

Plan for every scenario

Powerful simulation capability enables you to test changing conditions with ease, and adapt designs and construction plans to mitigate risk. Analyse different scenarios to create a blast program or explore extreme risk situations.

Deliver stronger, safer structures

Earth engineering projects like tunnels and dams come with geological risks that can only be examined and solved with all the data. Make sure you have the data you need to build strong, safe structures that can withstand unpredictable events.